How My Journey Began


Hey there, boudie babes. My name’s Nikki, and I’m the CEO (Chief Empowerment Officer) behind Boudoir by Nicole. I started this business after realizing the life-changing power that self-love and empowerment can have on us as individuals and how it can spread out from within us to our greater communities. After spending too long struggling with my own insecurities and body-shame, I decided enough was enough. I’ve been on a life-long mission to help shed cultural stereotypes, shame, and self-doubt ever since. Will you join me on my mission of changing the world, one self-love-revolution at a time?


I have been empowering women through the art of photography for years. We have over 200 sessions under our belt and that number continues to grow each month. We love women and we believe you deserve to be celebrated right now just as you are. Not 15 pounds from now, but right now!

I struggled with low self-esteem most of my life. It wasn’t until I realized that I am me. The only one of me there is. I don’t want to spend another minute of my life hating my body. I deserve to be celebrated, I deserve to be loved and I am worthy. You are worthy! Let me show you the art I see when I look at you. I can't wait to meet you and help you begin this journey of discovering your sexy self again.